Welcome to CADA!

Our mission is to support educational athletic programs through the promotion of the professional growth and image of interscholastic administrators. 

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About Us

Since 1961, we have been serving the needs of athletic administrators throughout Colorado. Our mission is to support educational athletic programs through the promotion of the professional growth and image of interscholastic administrators. The association is your professional voice about issues in Colorado high school athletics and the National Interscholastic Administrators Association (NIAAA).

CADA Constitution

Learn more about how CADA operates.

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Get in the game!

With your membership to the Colorado Athletics Directors Association, you become a part of an elite group of individuals who have committed to supporting and promoting athletics and athletic programs. Whether you are a District Athletic Administrator, an Athletic Administrator, a Principal, an Assistant Principal, are retired, or provide services to the Athletic Administrator this is a great way to become more involved and help secure the future of our student-athletes.

Ultimately, your membership is the key to our success. Your membership will help ensure successes for our student-athletes both in the athletic and academic realms of life, and it will aid us in our continuing a tradition of excellence in Colorado Athletics.

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High School AD


Subscription period: 1 school year: August 1st-July 31st

Join at any time

No automatically recurring payments

Middle School AD


Subscription period: 1 school year: August 1st-July 31st

Join at any time

No automatically recurring payments

District AD


Subscription period: 1 school year: August 1st-July 31st

Join at any time

No automatically recurring payments

Retired Membership*


Subscription period: 1 school year: August 1st-July 31st

Join at any time

No automatically recurring payments

*Athletic Administrators who become disabled, retire, or inactive for other causes may become retired members. Retired members shall not have voting privileges in association business.

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NIAAA Student Athlete Scholarship

In accordance with National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association’s (NIAAA) purpose to promote, facilitate and increase the knowledge and understanding of the vital role of interscholastic athletics in the educational system, this scholarship program will foster and recognize the partnership between the NIAAA and secondary education. The scholarships will recognize the distinguished scholastic, leadership, and sportsmanship attributes of high school student-athletes, and the importance of high school athletics in each student’s life. Send your submission to Matt Heckel, CMAA, Matt.Heckel@jeffco.k12.co.us  

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Affiliate Membership

Do you want your company to be listed below? Join CADA as an affiliate member. Since 1961, CADA has been serving the needs of athletic administrators throughout Colorado on activities programs. CADA represents over 300 high school and district athletics directors across the state. Being an Affiliate member provides you with a direct link to those individuals who have ultimate purchasing authority for their high school athletics programs. The buying power is impressive, spending approximately $75,000 annually on just athletic equipment and services, not currently a member?

Benefits of Affiliate Membership:

  • Your listing below
  • Exhibiting and sponsorship opportunities at the Annual Conference at a significantly discounted rate.
  • Website Logo Advertising

Affiliate Membership - $135.00 (USD)

  • Subscription period: 1 school year: August 1st- July 31st, Join at any time
  • No automatically recurring payments
  • Affiliate membership is open to all companies providing goods and services to Athletic Administrators.

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Join Us for the Upcoming CADA Outreach!

  • November 12th, 2024 10:00 am - 2:00 pm @ CHSAA Office (Following the CHSAA/CADA AD Connect @ 9:00 am - In Person)
  • LTC 501 Athletic Administration: Guiding Foundations and Philosophies
  • February 13th, 2025, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm @ CHSAA Office (Following the CHSAA/CADA AD Connect @ 9:00 am - In Person)
  • LTC 502 Athletic Administration: Strategies for Organizational Management

  • April 15th - 29th, 2025 10:00 am - 2:00 pm @ CHSAA Office (Following the CHSAA/CADA AD Connect @ 9:00 am - In Person)
  • LTC 503 Athletic Administration: Enhancing Organization Management

Member Price: $20

Non Member Price: $75

2024-2025 CADA dues must be paid to get member pricing. 

Register Today!

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you. Call us now at (303) 433-4446 or send a message using the form below we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

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